My apologies for delayed reporting...juggling. Pesach in 2 days!! Myriads to do...
As we watch the Netanyahu Government begin it's tenure, many things will unfold that bear mentioning.
First of all, Bibi is NOT the darling of the media that has been bestowed upon the leaders of the left. So, expect constant trouncing and false's just the way it is. Bibi is not just disliked by the left, he is hated. I have mentioned this before. It is because he can deliver peace, and peace is not something the left wants to see.
Netanyahu, if he stays on track, can deliver peace by being firm and not capitulating to international pressure, by NOT abandoning our security and our staying strong to Zionist ideals.
It's been a very long time since the world has been confronted with strength from Israel...with an Israel that knows who she is, an Israel who isn't afraid to say what needs to be said, do what needs to be done, and say "no" to what is not in our best interest.
Having Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beteinu in the government represents important strategic positioning for Netanyahu. These men are not afraid to say it like it is...
Because of that, watch for intensifying pressure to indict Lierberman of "crimes". In case you didn't know, this is always the tactic of choice to remove someone from the government or from his position. It works too, although, ocassionally it backfires and the fraudulant purposes behind the witchhunts are exposed. Lets pray so this time.
International leaders will go slightly crazy, escalate the pressure, and will most likely try to isolate Israel as is already happening. But I can guarantee you, if Bibi and the government will stay firm, it won't be long before our former weakness will change to strength in the eyes of the world...and then, the world leaders will have a very tough decision in front of them...a very serious choice to make.
It will be their last chance to stand with Israel....or not. The consequences were spelled out centuries ago.
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9 years ago
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